Monday, April 1, 2013


Just had an idea in my head and wanted to get it out.. This guy is just a quick speed sculpt that was flushed out just for that- I want to explore this design further!

ZB bot boy:)

Very loose and sketchy- just playing around with some hard edges and designs in ZBrush.  Having a lot of fun with this.  Another I hope to find my way back to eventually for refinement.. 

WIP Ship!

Started pretty strong on this guy and it just got buried under other work..  Hope to find my way back to this- it was a lot of fun.


Another that was pulled out and dusted off!

B-25! Playing around with new renders!

I'm pulling some older pieces out and wiping the dust off!

Trying out some new techniques- :)

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Art Dump!

These are some older pieces I just wanted to dump on here from a while back.  Jeff Turley was the visual development artist that created the designs.
These were a lot of fun to work on.-

Whoa! Wait! WHAT!

It has been so long since my last entry here...  I have been slammed at work, but I am happy to say that Defiance the game launches Tuesday, April, 2nd!  The accompanying TV show premieres April 15th at 9pm (PST) every Monday!  Watch the show, play the game.  Now that my shameless plug is over :) I promise to pay more attention to this little sketchbook!